Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cannot send file in OC

Case: file transfer between a internal OC client and a external OC client separated with a public firewall.


Cannot send "OCS Deployment documentation v1.docx" to Menno Windsma. This may be due to firewall restrictions or network problems. Please try again. If you need further assistance, contact your system administrator.

I did get a couple of questions how to resolve this issue. There are three layers you need to check before going to the next step:

1. Check your internal OCS server Application (check if your server is filtering file extensions or specified file extensions)

2. Check your edge infrastructure (Access Edge) if you have one. Make sure this server is also excepting your file extension.

3. Check your firewall (example ISA2006)

More information on step 3. Make sure the following ports are open. Type:Office Communicator,6891-6901,TCP

(Port ranged used by Office Communicator for file transfer)

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