Saturday, August 29, 2009

Roland 50 jaar

(in dutch) Roland Hameeteman, een van de oprichters van e-office, is vandaag 50 geworden. Daar moet voor gezongen worden! Roland, van harte.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Planning Tool for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 upgraded to version 6907.45


Date Published:


Download Size:
55 KB - 1.4 MB*


The Planning Tool for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 is a Windows Presentation Foundation standalone client application. The Planning Tool Wizard asks interview questions about features that the system administrator is interested in enabling in the Enterprise, as well as information about the Enterprise.
The Planning Tool uses the information gathered from the administrator to dynamically draw a recommended topology for every site that the administrator identifies. Additionally, the Planning Tool calculates the types and amounts of hardware needed across the entire Enterprise, as well as for each site. The Planning Tool also provides links to documentation of the specific planning and deployment tasks that the administrator will need in order to deploy the topology.

Source: Microsoft Download. Download it here!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

UC Weblog is upgraded with OCS Webchat..

The old LCS AJAX is removed! As you can see the UC Weblog is upgraded to the latest version of OCS WebChat. The OCS Webchat is running within Silverlight 2.0/3.0 and connects to our S+S platform. More information about the product or strategies please contact Robbert Seidemann or our Technical Fellow Michiel van Oudheusden. I'll like it!

e-office summer school gaat in september door...!


Gebruikt u de vakantietijd ook graag om eens rustig bij te lezen over alle ontwikkelingen binnen uw vakgebied? Wilt u daarnaast ook nog wat tijd overhouden voor ontspanning? Tijdens de e-office summer school sessies spijkert u in korte tijd uw kennis bij op het gebied van Unified Communications, BlackBerry, Social Software, Collaboration, Email Management en SaaS. voor wieWilt u kosten besparen door de inzet van de nieuwste technologieën? Wilt u eenvoudig tijdwinst boeken door effectiever om te gaan met e-mail en vergaderen? Ziet u mogelijkheden om met 'Het Nieuwe Werken' uw onderscheidend vermogen te vergroten? En bent u benieuwd hoe social software u hierbij kan helpen? Dan is e-office summer school echt iets voor u.korte & krachtige sessies.

De sessies van e-office summer school variëren van conceptuele sessies over nieuwe manieren van werken tot 'deep dives' op het gebied van de nieuwste technologieën en producten. Tijdens elke sessie maakt u in korte tijd kennis met ideeën, concepten en technologie zonder de opsmuk van commerciële presentaties. De meeste sessies duren maximaal 3 uur en variëren van klassieke kennisoverdracht tot workshops en chalk & talk sessions (interactieve sessies waar u als deelnemer 'in control' bent en onze gastspreker zijn of haar expertise met u deelt rondom uw vragen). nieuwe manier van werken en de nieuwste technologieën & productenIn de conceptuele sessies delen experts hun visie op thema's als het werken in de 21e eeuw, slim vergaderen en de effectieve inzet van email.

Hierbij komen de nieuwste technologieën en producten van Google, IBM, Microsoft en RIM aan bod. Denk hierbij aan Google Apps, IBM Lotus Connections, Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server en BlackBerry Enterprise server. sprekersZowel experts van e-office, waaronder de Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP's), als externe experts verzorgen de sessies.Schrijf u nu in voor de e-office summer school 2009!

Op de e-office summer school site site ziet u onder 'agenda' een compleetoverzicht van de e-office summer school sessies.

Hier kunt u zich ook inschrijven voor de sessies. e-office wenst u een leerzame en inspirerende zomer!

Ook ikzelf organiseer een sessie over Unified Communications. Schrijf je nu in er zijn nog enkele plekken over.

UCVUG organiseert tweede gebruikersgroepsessie op 15 september 2009


Op 15 september 2009 organiseert de tweede Unified Communications gebruikersgroepsessie. Tijdens het goedgevulde avondprogramma voor zowel gebruikers als partners nemen twee interessante sprekers het woord. Om 19.00u trapt Matthijs Hoekstra, Developer Evangelist Microsoft Netherlands, af met een overzicht van de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Unified Communications en UC development. John de Breij, Mitel Technical Consultant, gaat vervolgens in op UC propositie, positionering en platform, en behandelt de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden op het gebied van UC. Tegen 20:30u sluit Joachim Farla, oprichter van, de UC gebruikersgroepsessie af. Gedurende het programma is er volop gelegenheid voor het stellen van vragen en discussie.

Meld u nu aan voor de UCVUG gebruikersgroepsessie en volg de sessie live via Microsoft Office Communicator.Bekijk hier de presentatie van Jeroen Jansen tijdens de eerste UC gebruikersgroepsessie op 1 mei 2009. En bekijk hier de presentatie van Jeroen van Vliet tijdens de eerste UC gebruikersgroepsessie.

Friday, August 21, 2009

OOF - 14th of September back in business!

Dear weblog reader,

I am on annual leave and will not have access to my email. This weblog is temporarily managed by my colleague Michiel van Oudheusden. If you have any questions about current blogposts please ask him or sent a email to or add him to your contact list in Communicator/Hotmail (same as SMTP address).

If you have questions about:

  • OCS WebChat: contact our sales representative Robbert Seidemann or check our products webpage here
  • Unified Communications Virtual User Group – planning and sessions check our event calendar here

I will be back on Monday the 14th of September.
Kind regards,
Joachim Farla
Office Communications Server - MVP
Infrastructure Specialist

User Group:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Microsoft Office Communications on BlackBerry

Mobile business just the way you want it...

Smartphones are becoming more and more powerful. The handsets you can buy these days are loaded with more features than you will possibly find on a computer or laptop. Processing power, high speed connections, camera’s, large (touch) screens, GPS navigation; it’s all there and at a relatively low price. Just the way we like it.

Since a couple of weeks we get inspired of the new Outside Voice Control functionality in Office Communications Server 2007 R2. As e-office we have deployed a full blown OCS R2 environment including Mediation Server, SIP trunking, CWA, Group Chat etc. We also deployed a OCS R2 Edge server.

Inside story: Some departments at e-office uses BlackBerry as there primary IM/Mail/Apps device. On the other side we have lots of Windows Mobile 6.* endpoints. Uniquely we crossed our strategies to have best of both worlds. So today I would like to announce a new BlackBerry Mobile App: Integrating your Microsoft Unified Communications investment with BlackBerry technology.

If you are interested to get more information feel free to contact me or contact my colleague Thierry Lammers – Director e-office Mobile on


Call setup flow:

1. the BlackBerry end user initiates a ‘call via office’ OCS call from the BlackBerry smartphone. This feature is available from the BlackBerry via an icon on the BlackBerry desktop and menu integration in the native BlackBerry Address Book application. The e-office OCS client uses a data signaling channel to inform the e-office OCS service layer of the outbound call >

2. the e-office OCS service layer receives call details and user credentials

3. the e-office OCS service layer instructs OCS to set the correct presence status and initiate the cellular call to the BlackBerry end user. This is called the first call leg.

4. the BlackBerry end user answers the phone call

5. OCS initiates the second call leg with recipients phone number

6. the second call leg is established as soon as the endpoint answers the call

7. OCS bridges the two call legs between the BlackBerry end user and the recipient.

System requirements:
image Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2
image BES 4.1.x or newer with Mobile Data Services (MDS) activated
image e-office OCS client runs on BlackBerry SP with OS 4.2 or newer
image e-office OCS service layer runs as a web service on a Windows 2003 SP1 or newer machine with, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), .Net Framework 3.0 and OCS components installed.
image for enterprise CRM integration e-office Content Mobilizer middleware is required

Map picture

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat Hotfix KB 969819


Date Published:


Download Size:
129 KB - 14.5 MB*


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FREE: OCS WebChat: 30 days trial

image As you probably know we are currently in the progress to make our OCS WebChat better then it already is! To get your valuable feedback we can offer you the OCS WebChat client for a 30 days (trial).

More information about the OCS WebChat solution see the Microsoft Case Studies on link

Sign up for free and sent me an email on and check our products description, advantages and other nice info!

Technorati Tags: ,

Voice Partner News July and August 2009: Update

Source: Voice Specialized Partner News

As you probably know e-office is know as Voice Ready Partner and also Voice Certified Partner on Office Communications Server 2007 and R2. During the program we also get updated on UC news especially on Voice related resources. Let me share with you some news and insights:

List of updates:

  • Partner Resources and Readiness for Exchange Server 2010 Website is live. See the site here. A very new website on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 demonstrations which showcase Flexible and Reliable, Anywhere Access, and the Protection and Compliance features.
  • Get Up to Speed with Exchange Server 2010 Ignite Workshops login with a Live ID and enroll your organization. Enroll here (Live ID required for Login) The Exchange Server 2010 Ignite workshops cover a wide variety of topics such as architecture, setup, deployment, tools, migration, security, transport, and more.
  • Voice Partners: Become R2-Ready Now! All Voice-Specialized partners are urged to upgrade their internal deployments to OCS 2007 R2 and complete a verification call to become R2-Ready. So stay tuned and make sure you as partner gets certified. Any questions on the certification ofcourse you can sent me and email.
  • Voice Specialization Exam Numbering Change. Unified Communications Voice Specialization Exam 088-924 has been changed to Exam 074-924. The exam itself is not being changed.
  • SIP Trunking Service Now Available for Office Communications Server R2 SIP trunking enables an enterprise to connect their on-premise voice network implemented by Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to the Public Switched Telephony Network (PSTN) directly over SIP. 
  • New UC ISV Customer Evidence

· Click on the e-office case study to learn how they help enrich their clients’ web site communications and inexpensively extend their existing infrastructure by using e-office WebChat, a configurable and customizable chat solution that can be embedded in an organization’s web site and connects web users to people in the company using Office Communications Server 2007 R2. See our products page for more product information and see the OCS WebChat live!

<<CHECK OUT our UC evidence on Microsoft Case studies focusing on our OCS R2 WebChat Solution based on Silverlight 2.0>>

· Click on Quest’s case study to learn more about their new BPOS migration applications

· Interactive Intelligence case study to learn how they expanded market reach and new business opportunities by integrating Office Communications Server 2007 R2 into their to All-in-One Communications Software Suite

· Wonderware case study to see how they are helping manufacturers gain control over their machinery by using Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to embed new collaboration features into their industrial plant management software

So enjoy these resources and see you soon on the UC Weblog in the Netherlands! More information on additional UC weblogs please click on the official OCS Team Blog. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Office Communications Server 2007 R2 VHD version 2.0



Date Published:


Download Size:
1.6 MB - 13243.1 MB*


Start evaluating Office Communications Server today. Office Communications Server 2007 R2 delivers streamlined communications for your users so they can find and communicate with the right person, right now, from the applications they use most (like Office Outlook).
Two (2) additional modules Group Chat and OCS QMS (Quality of Experience Monitoring Server) have been added and are now available for download. These modules must be domain joined to the Fabrikam domain prior to full and proper usage. See the additional release notes for complete details.
1. This trial software is intended for evaluation purposes only.
2. There is no product support for this trial. You are welcome to share your trial experience with others and to ask for advice by participating in the forums.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Live Meeting 2007 Update and Conferencing Add-in updated to version 8.0.6362.136

This update package updates the Live Meeting Conferencing Add-in for Outlook to version 8.0.6362.136.

Download the Microsoft Live Meeting Conferencing Add-in client update: July 2009 package now. (

This update package updates the Windows-based Live Meeting 2007 client to version 8.0.6362.136.

Download the Windows-based Live Meeting 2007 client update: July 2009 package now. ( For

Monday, August 3, 2009

NEW: Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Hotfix KB 969694

File Name:
Source: communicator.msp


Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

Date Published:


Download Size:
5.8 MB

This hotfix download for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 is described in the Knowledge Base article 969694

NEW: Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 969695

File Name:
Source: communicator.msp


Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

Date Published:


Download Size:
9.9 MB

More info on the fix list see

NEW: Office Communicator Phone Edition (2007 R2) version 6907.35

Quick Details

File Name:
Source: UCUpdates.exe


Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

Date Published:


Download Size:
12.9 MB

This download was originally released on February 1, 2009. For a complete list of fixes and changes in this latest version, please see KB article 972398.
Office Communicator Phone Edition, which provides a rich, Office Communicator-like user experience on select standalone IP phones from Microsoft partners (e.g., LG-Nortel IP 8540 and Polycom CX700), has been updated with new functionality that provides an enhanced user experience on these phones:

  • Single sign-in. Users can now connect their Office Communicator Phone Edition phone to their computer with a USB cable and sign in to both their phone and Office Communicator 2007 R2 at the same time.
  • Integration with Office Communicator 2007 R2 on the PC. Users can now click a contact or phone number in their Office Communicator 2007 R2 contact list on their PC to place a call using their Office Communicator Phone Edition phone. Call controls are synchronized on both the phone and Office Communicator on the PC. If their PC is configured with a webcam, users can escalate the call by adding video.
  • Support for new Office Communications Server 2007 R2 voice features. New call delegation, team calling and Response Group service functionality in Office Communications Server 2007 R2 are also supported in Office Communicator Phone Edition.
  • Audio quality enhancements. Latency, audio quality and call setup time have all been improved.
  • User interface enhancements. The user interface has been improved and streamlined. For example, a Redial button enables users to easily redial the last dialed number, searching through the corporate directory is easier, and users can select from one of four ring tones.
  • Office Live Meeting support. Users can now use their Office Communicator Phone Edition phone as an audio device in Office Live Meeting.

Microsoft Downloads the wrap up – Jul/Aug’09

Enjoy the list!

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat Hotfix KB 969819

This download contains updates for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat.


Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat SDK

The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat Software Development Kit (SDK) includes documentation and sample applications developed with the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat platform.


Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Client and Devices Technical Reference

This guide provides in-depth technical information on Office Communications Server 2007 R2 clients and devices.


Capacity Planning Tool

Capacity planning and load simulation tool for Office Communications Server 2007 R2


Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 968802

This download contains an update for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2.


Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Attendant Hotfix KB 970275

This download contains an update for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Attendant.
