Saturday, November 28, 2009

RIM onderscheidt e-office met de EMEA Innovation Award 2009


e-office wint in de categorie Delivery Service Excellence


Houten, 27 november 2009 - e-office heeft uit handen van Research In Motion (RIM) de Blackberry Innovation Award 2009, in de categorie Delivery Service Excellence, ontvangen. Daarmee spreekt RIM zijn waardering uit voor e-office in het ontwikkelen en implementeren van mobiele applicaties en services voor gebruikers van het BlackBerry-platform.

In het juryrapport spreekt RIM over de wijze waarop e-office zichtbaar een positieve bijdrage heeft geleverd aan het efficiƫnter maken van bedrijfsprocessen en het verhogen van de beschikbaarheid van mobiele diensten bij zijn klanten. e-office heeft bij een groot aantal klanten een effectieve aanpak gekozen van uitrol, integratie, ingebruikname en ondersteuning van het BlackBerry product. Daarnaast heeft e-office zich bewezen als specialist in het ontsluiten van een diversiteit aan informatiesystemen naar de BlackBerry smartphone. Ook noemde de jury de grote populariteit van e-office's IT helpdeskoplossing.


Thierry Lammers, directeur e-office mobile: "De belangrijkste criteria om deze award te kunnen winnen waren creativiteit, een snelle terugverdientijd en populariteit onder gebruikers. Aan alle criteria konden we voldoen, ook mede door ons jarenlange partnerschap met RIM. We zijn dan ook erg blij en verheugd dat dit via deze award openlijk kenbaar wordt gemaakt."
De award is uitgereikt tijdens de jaarlijkse BlackBerry EMEA Alliance Summit 2009, dat dit jaar werd georganiseerd in Rome.

Voor meer informatie:
Pauline Huijzer / Eline Roelfsema
Tel.: 088 001 83 00
e-mail: pauline.huijzer(at) /


Maartje Dekens / Willemijn Vader
Tel.: 0317 410 483
e-mail: e-office(at)

Friday, November 27, 2009

award voor e-office!!!!!!


Delivering Service Excellence

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Het Nieuwe Werken Interview: Roland Hameeteman van e-office (Video)


In dit video-interview (5:56) spreekt Het Nieuwe Werken Blog met Roland Hameeteman, mede-oprichter en directeur van e-office. Hameeteman gaat in op de vraag wat Het Nieuwe Werken voor hem betekent en wat hij in de loop van de jaren heeft geleerd over leidinggeven en sturing.

Check it out!:

OCS Webchat updated to version 1.2!

image And will now support javascript! So, no additional software is required to run the OCS Webchat on your site (public or private). The solution is build on our existing SaaS infrastructure provided by e-office Datacenter Services.

Sign up now for a free OCS Webchat trial:

OCS Webchat Development Team

Microsoft UC Community Day (session 1)

image Today we got invited by Charles Whitton (PAM Unified Communications – Voice) from Microsoft Netherlands to join the first UC Community Day @ Schiphol Rijk.

Today’s agenda:

  • 10.00 – 10.30 Entrance
  • 10.30 – 11.30 Microsoft OCS update
  • 11:30 - 12:15 Pres. Plantronics (1) - Organisation and channel
  • 12.30 – 13.00 Lunch
  • 13.00 - 14.00 Pres. Plantronics (2) - Products and promotions
  • 14.00 – 15.00 Exchange Server 2010
  • 15.00 – 16.00 End

First, I would like to thank Microsoft Nerherlands and Plantronics for this wonderful day. As partners we get a good experience about Plantronics products and the proposition Microsoft is having in the “new way of work”. We called that last one “work21”. Especially the key insights of Wave14 are very cool. Thanks to Thijs Janssen. Respect to the NDA! Also lots of respect to the presentation of Steven van Houttum about Microsoft Exchange 2010. Good networking day and lots of inspiration. Keep up the good work!

Maybe next time (session 2) I will show you guys something about Wave 14 (if you let me ;-). Great partner present by the way by Plantronics (Altec MR402):image

moondance GLOW 

Check out the Voyager PRO today: or contact your B2B Sales Manager:


Running Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 in a Virtualized Topology version 1.2

File Name:


Date Published:


Download Size:
2.9 MB


This whitepaper:

  • Identifies which server roles are supported in a virtualized environment
  • Provides guidance for scaling users and workloads in a virtualized environment

This document describes the results of a series of configurations that were run in a Hyper-V environment to validate that Office Communications Server on Hyper-V provides stable performance and scalability for production use.

Source: Microsoft Download

Check Out New Qualified UC Hardware Partner Products

image New products from Microsoft UC partners, Polycom, Microsoft Hardware, GN and Plantronics, recently passed the UC hardware qualification and may use the Optimized for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 wordmark.

Check out this table:


Source: Voice Specialized Partner Sales and Technical Resources: November 2009

Announcing NEW Qualified SIP Trunking Partners for November


Current Promotional Offers




SIP Trunking Services for Office Communications Server R2.  Includes services for local phone numbers (Direct Inward Dial), toll free numbers, local calling, U.S. long distance, and international long distance.


Sprint is offering its award winning MPLS network with SIP Trunking that has been certified for interoperability on the OCS R2 platform.  Trials and special promotional offers are available.  Coupled with Sprint’s unmatched 3G and 4G wireless networks, Sprint brings UC with OCS to a new level.

Interoute One

Free trial offer


Free month-long trial for mobile phone solution

Global Crossing

Waive the Concurrent Call MRC and the MPLS port fee for the first two months. Flexible VoIP rate plan and competitive interstate and intrastate rates apply.


First month of SIP channels monthly charges and setup fee half price. Offer valid until December 31, 2009.

Source: Voice Specialized Partner Sales and Technical Resources: November 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Microsoft Unified Communications: Developer Platform Futures

Tenx to Matthijs Hoekstra for pointing me out. See the nice PDC stuff on Unified Communications! Some nice views on Wave 14 and the new Communicator interface.

Microsoft Unified Communications: Developer Platform Futures

Session 1: (Chris Mayo) 

Learn how Microsoft Communications Server and Microsoft Exchange provide a comprehensive and flexible communications platform for developers. Get a first look at the next generation of this platform through a series of demos and code examples. See how to embed Communicator features in your application using new Microsoft Silverlight and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls, and learn about the new API to develop full custom clients for Communications Server. Also see how the UC Managed API 3.0 provides access to the new Voice-over-IP features of Communication Server.

Session 2: (David Ollason)

Integrating and Extending the Microsoft Office Communicator Experience with Windows Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Silverlight

Come take an in-depth look at how to integrate and extend the Office Communicator experience into your Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight applications. See how to provide the same integration experience as Office and Outlook including contact search, contact lists, presence, contact details and more. Learn how to pass contextual data from your application using the new contextual conversation API.

Source: (Check it out!)

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 XMPP Gateway Hotfix KB 977187

File Name:


Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

Date Published:


Download Size:
190 KB

This hotfix download for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 XMPP Gateway is described in the Knowledge Base article 977187.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

uitnodiging: ontwaak met e-office en SharePoint 2010




Het einde van het jaar staat vaak in het teken van goede voornemens voor het nieuwe jaar. Wat zijn uw goede voornemens op zakelijk gebied?

Wilt u uw mensen en hun kennis nu echt gaan verbinden? Bent u op zoek naar manieren om effectief klantcontact te bereiken? Of wilt u de communicatie en bereikbaarheid van uw professionals optimaliseren?

e-office neemt u graag mee op weg naar 2010. In een aantal interactieve sessies ontwaakt u in 2010 samen met e-office en zullen wij u inspireren hoe u uw voornemens waar kunt maken met de inzet van Microsoft SharePoint 2010.

In 2010 organiseert e-office de volgende ontbijtsessies:

  • 12 januari          SharePoint 2010: verbinden van mensen en kennis
  • 2 februari          SharePoint 2010: effectief klantcontact
  • 2 maart             SharePoint 2010: optimale communicatie en bereikbaarheid

Voor meer informatie, het programma of deelname aan de klantsessies neemt u contact op met uw accountmanager of bezoekt u onze website.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Support for OCS 2007 R2 on Windows Server 2008 R2

We get lots of questions if OCS 2007 R2 is supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 / domains. The current statement is very clear:

  • All domain controllers in the forest where you deploy Office Communications Server run Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 R2, or Windows Server 2008.
  • All global catalog servers in the forest where you deploy Office Communications Server run Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 R2, or Windows Server 2008.
  • All domains in which you deploy Office Communications Server are raised to a domain functional level of Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008.
  • The forest in which you deploy Office Communications Server is raised to a forest functional level of Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008.
  • Source: Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation (CHM).

    So, Windows Server 2008 R2 is still not supported. Testing OCS 2007 R2 on Windows Server 2008 R2 requires also testing different domain/forest structures. Stay tuned.

    Voyager PRO UC WG200/B present during next session of in Jan 2010!

    imageSpecial thanks to Xander Kupers of Plantronics. Xander is a B2B Sales Manager @ Plantronics and he is offering two WG400/B devices as present for members who join next session in January 2010. So join us on the next session and win this wonderful product.

    More information on plantronics products please feel free to contact Xander. E-mail:

    Or see him at LinkedIn:

    Technical Information on the WG200/B: (Source: Plantronics Official Site)

    • Unified Communications
    • Take calls from both your PC or mobile device
    • Class 2 Bluetooth® range with up to 33 feet of range
    • Simple, one-touch call control
    • Wideband technology for crisp PC audio
    • PerSono Suite software included for feature setting capabilities and selected softphone call control
    • UC standard version supporting one-touch call control with softphones and UC applications from Cisco, Avaya, Microsoft, IBM and more.

    <<JOIN US ON:>>

    Sunday, November 15, 2009

    Running Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 in a Virtualized Topology

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    2.9 MB - 2.9 MB*


    Office Communications Server 2007 R2 can be deployed onto Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, or onto any virtualization solution that is a certified partner through the Server Virtualization Validation Program (SVVP) certified partners for the following workloads:

    • Presence
    • IM (including conferencing, remote access, federation, and Public IM Connectivity)
    • Group Chat

    This whitepaper:
    • Identifies which server roles are supported in a virtualized environment
    • Provides guidance for scaling users and workloads in a virtualized environment

    This document describes the results of a series of configurations that were run in a Hyper-V environment to validate that Office Communications Server on Hyper-V provides stable performance and scalability for production use.

    Source: Microsoft Download

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Upcoming scheduled Yahoo / PIC maintenance window - November 17, 2009


    Yahoo will be performing scheduled maintenance on their OCS Gateway Servers during the following maintenance window:

    Confirmed Maintenance Start Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 5:00pm Pacific Time

    Projected Maintenance End Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 5:30pm Pacific Time

    Users may encounter sporadic access service availability, service disruption, and incorrect presence during this maintenance window.

    User Action:

    No action needs to be taken by your Office Communications Server administrator(s). Additionally, there will not be any further notification regarding this maintenance activity unless there is a broad disruption of service. In such cases, we will relay outage communication accordingly.

    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Service Provider

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    10.4 MB


    With Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Service Provider, administrators can implement basic instant messaging and presence functionality for Microsoft Office Outlook®-Live users. Prior to the Web Service Provider release, Outlook-Live users accessed this functionality through client applications such as Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 or Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access (2007 release).
    Web Service Provider does not introduce features excluded from Communicator Web Access (2007 R2 release). It simply gives Outlook-Live users an alternative method for accessing basic instant messaging and presence information. For example, senders of an e-mail will now be able to view presence information from within the Outlook-Live application.

    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Trust Tool

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    18 KB

    Monday, November 9, 2009

    OCS 2007 R2 support on Windows Server 2008 R2

    Lots of questions we get from you guys about the way Microsoft support Windows Server 2008 R2 together with OCS 2007 R2. Well there is a clear quote on this.

    TIP: please review and stay tuned on the following Microsoft Page:

    Quote for OCS 2007 R2:

    “Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and later versions will be supported beginning Q1 2010

    Applies To
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation

    Wednesday, November 4, 2009

    Making plans for 2010…


    Dear blog readers! The central topic of this week is: What are you going to do in 2010! Well we will not stuck in the old days and we make some serious progress on what is (?) What will be on the cover @ sessions in 2010.

    Attention: is something different comparing to the sessions and community effort on Dustin Hannifin his Community Site (which is brand new btw!! > take a look at . Check out their agenda of the December meeting. Dustin (.org) is covering the USA (International – English) part and our is focused on the Benelux (Belgium/Netherlands).

    We both share the same ideas like doing these meetings. As Dustin said before “A virtual user group is a user group that hosts all meetings online. Presenters and attendees participate virtually via online tools such as Microsoft Live Meeting.”

    Next year we will:

    • organize each quarter a session (4 x times in total).
    • make sure that content is available for offline viewing
    • start off the first session on Jan ‘10 (planned) – register today at (Dutch Only)
    • continue twittering about these activities ( ) FOLLOW!
    • involve SharePoint 2010 (all kind of topics, integration, possibilities)
    • present about he new version of OCS (no release date available)
    • start Social Networking in SharePoint 2010 (how does it reflect on other Microsoft Products)
    • continue the possibility for third parties to show their products which will integrate with Microsoft Products.
    • make the much better!
    • have the same online chats and discussions!

    Stay tuned on! You can follow me personally on:


    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 968802



    Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    378 KB - 106.9 MB*

    This hotfix download for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 is described in the Knowledge Base article 968802.

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Office Communicator Phone Edition (2007 R2) updated to version: 6907.55

    Now on Microsoft Download.

    File Name:


    Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    12.9 MB

    This download was originally released on February 1, 2009. For a complete list of fixes and changes in this latest version, please see KB article 977065

    • When you connect your IP phone through the Internet, the telephone call logs are not populated with received or dialed calls.
    • When you block a contact, you cannot call that contact from the Contact List.
    • After you apply the update package in KB 972398 to your IP phone, the telephone performance becomes slow. The response time of the dial pad also becomes slow.