Yesterday we had a wonderful day at the Kuip in Rotterdam. The UC Launch in the Netherlands together with Microsoft Netherlands. In the very early morning we had to build up the stand 06:30 AM ! 05:45 out of bed... pff. Not easy can i say.
We prepared a complete demo environment for this day. Some highlights:
- 4 x demo laptops with Vista Business and Office 2007 Enterprise Edition
- 3 x Toshiba cams to demonstrate IM+Video
- 3 x Windows Mobile 6.0 Prof devices with CoMo client installed
- UC video devils wears prada
- self-made CoMo demonstration video
- 1 server running OCS - Communicator Web Access Server 2007
- 1 server running OCS - Mediation Server connected to interoute (largest iSIP company in the United Kingdom
- 1 server running OCS - Enterprise Edition Pool
- 1 server running OCS - Web Conferencing Edge / Remote Access
- 1 server running OCS - A/V Conferencing Edge
- 1 server running OCS - A/V Conferencing Server
- 1 server running OCS - Web Conferencing Server
- 1 server running OCS - Web Components Server
We get a lot of different questions on our stand. Top items:
1. How do you integrate interoute with OCS Mediation Server? Answer: Connect Interoute and OCS Mediation Server
2. How much does it cost to route outbound and inbound calls through the Interoute Network? Answer: Overview more information send a e-mail to Nelson Tavares da Silva at (Account Director)
3. How is the voice quality within OCS? Answer: More information you can read in this document: QoE document
4. Is there a possibility to integrate OCS functionals (basic IM etc) only in basic websites? Answer: Yep, see the Microsoft AJAX SDK OCS: OCS 2007 SDK and OCS: Unified Communications AJAX SDK or OCS: Communications Server SDK.
5. How many does the MOR costs? MOR = Microsoft Office Roundtable device. Answer: vary between 1900 euro and 3000 euro. See: Fluks and NEC More information on Roundtable: "Microsoft RoundTable is an advanced collaboration and conferencing device that provides meeting participants with an engaging, immersive conferencing experience. Combined with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 or Microsoft Office Live Meeting service (2007), RoundTable provides a 360-degree view of the conference room, wideband audio, and video that tracks the flow of conversation between multiple speakers. "
6. How does OCS deal with logical Routing between multiple Mediation Servers and VOIP gateways? Answer:
Communications Server 2007 is responsible for seamlessly routing all voice calls for users who are enabled for Enterprise Voice. Core routing components and logic for Enterprise Voice reside on the following Communications Server 2007 roles:
· Standard Edition Server in the role of Front End Server or Director
· Enterprise Edition Front End Server
The core routing components are the Translation Service, Inbound Routing Component, and Outbound Routing Component:
Translation Service
The Translation Service is the server component that is responsible for translating a dialed number into E.164 format, using normalization rules based on location profiles that are defined by the administrator.
Inbound Routing Component
The Inbound Routing Component handles incoming calls largely according to preferences that are specified by users on their Enterprise Voice clients. For example, users specify whether unanswered calls are to be forwarded or simply logged for notification. If call forwarding is enabled, users can then specify whether unanswered calls should be forwarded to another number or to an Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging server that has been configured to provide call answering. The Inbound Routing Component is installed by default on all Standard Edition Servers and Enterprise Edition Front End Servers.
Outbound Routing Component
The Outbound Routing Component routes calls to PBX or PSTN destinations. It applies call authorization rules to callers and determines the optimal media gateway for routing each call. The Outbound Routing Component is installed by default on all Standard Edition Servers and Enterprise Edition Front End Servers.
The routing logic that is used by the Outbound Routing Component is in large measure configured by network or telephony administrators according to the requirements of their organizations. This guide is primarily devoted to explaining how to plan and configure data structures that the Outbound Routing Component uses to route outgoing calls. These data structures include phone usage records, voice policies, and routes.
More information see:
Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007 Enterprise Voice Planning and Deployment Guide (download: doc)
Conclusion: great day, great presentations and a lot of happy people!
Tags van Technorati:
UC Launch ,
Netherlands ,
MOR2007 ,
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 ,
routing ,
outbound ,
inbound ,
IM ,
Video and Audio OCS ,
Live Meeting 2007 ,
LM2007 ,
Enterprise Voice ,