Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

Currently I'm OOF. I will return on the 5th of January 2010. Expect delay in my responses. If urgent please contact my manager Menno Windsma on or contact e-office directly ( > contact

See you in next Year! Be aware of fireworks.

Joachim Farla

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

RT: Verbinden van mensen en kennis

Check out the weblog of my colleague Bas Krikke on the NWOW project definitions for customers.

image Webblog: (Join him now!)


wat is kennis?
Dit is een goede vraag. Laten we beginnen met het omgekeerde: wat is het volgens mij niet?

  • Gewoon documenten rondmailen en maar hopen dat iemand er wat aan heeft
  • Een bak met presentaties
  • Een profielkaart met je competenties

Volgens mij bestaat kennis uit drie delen met ieder een ander doel: formele documenten, werkdocumenten en ervaringsdocumenten.

Laten we beginnen met werkdocumenten.

Werkdocumenten zijn documenten die gemaakt zijn in de context van speurwerk, projecten of klanten. Ze moeten in de context van hun creatie bekeken worden. Vaak worden deze documenten in een samenwerkingsomgeving (team site) opgeslagen, zodat de context van het document nog rijker wordt richting taken, andere documenten en hyperlinks. De selectieve context (project, klant, speurwerk) zorgt ervoor dat de metadata gericht is op het korte termijn gebruik. De algemene vindbaarheid is nog niet optimaal en gericht op “ontdekken”. Mooie voorbeelden zijn het projectplan, lessons learned, een offerte, klantrevisie op die offerte.

Werkdocumenten zijn bijna altijd “onder handen” maar kunnen leiden tot formele documenten.

formele documenten
Formele documenten zijn zorgvuldig opgebouwd (na speurwerk, samenwerking, een project of een klant bijdrage) en zijn ontdaan van specifieke context (algemeen gemaakt). Er heeft dus een transformatie plaatsgevonden van specifiek naar generiek. We zien dat er nu volop ruimte is voor metadata om de structurele vindbaarheid van dit document te verhogen. Mooie voorbeelden zijn een werkmethodiek, een proces beschrijving, een rente tabel.

Medewerkers gebruiken de formele kennis en ontdekken de werkdocumenten. Ze doen hiermee nieuwe ervaringen op in het praktische gebruik. Deze ervaringen kunnen zij weer delen in persoonlijke blogs, bijdragen aan wiki pagina’s of deelname aan fora. Al deze vormen zijn op te vatten als ervaringsdocumenten. Persoonlijke ervaringen zijn zeer relevant omdat ze erg dynamisch zijn en sterk relateren aan het praktische gebruik.

Bij e-office verwacht ik dat een blog aggregatie een hogere informatie waarde gaat opleveren dan nieuwsaggregatie. We zullen het terugvinden in de intranet startpagina positie!

het verband
Gebruik maken van kennis start met Zoeken, zoeken naar formele kennis, werkdocumenten en ervaringsdocumenten. Door het vinden van deze documenten wordt de relevantie voor je eigen gebruik bepaald. Let op, het is dus niet de publicist die de relevantie bepaalt, het is de lezer (jij dus)! Persoonlijk denk ik dat je nooit een document zult vinden dat direct antwoord geeft op je vraag (je mag jezelf afvragen waarom je herhalend werk zit te doen…), maar het document helpt je wel om de auteurs van de documenten te achterhalen. En zo is er een verband tussen documenten zoeken, documenten vinden en relateren aan je zoektocht en vervolgens het vinden van collega’s die jou kunnen helpen met je interpretatie of je werk. Iedere collega heeft een profielpagina en is natuurlijk direct te benaderen via chat. Gebruik deze snelle middelen om vast te stellen of iemand jou kan helpen (of doorverwijzen). Verbreed je kleine kring van collega’s met de collega’s die zij weer kennen.

persoonlijk profiel
Een persoonlijk profiel is vaak statisch. Een profielkaart wordt vaak maar 1 keer per jaar bijgewerkt, ambitieus is 2 keer per jaar (functionering en beoordeling). Dergelijke constructies vind ik niet hoopvol, het geeft meer aan wat iemand vorig jaar zou kunnen weten… Daarnaast moeten veel profielkaarten in meetschalen worden ingevuld. Wie zegt nou dat dit de werkelijkheid weergeeft? Er zijn dus uitdagingen met actualiteit en betrouwbaarheid. Twee zware redenen die aangeven dat het hebben van statische profielkaarten niet de eindoplossing zijn.

mensen en kennis
Het persoonlijk profiel wordt ook bepaald door je werkdocumenten, je project deelname, je rol in projecten, de tijd die je besteed hebt aan een onderwerp, je persoonlijke meningen in een blog, je bijdragen aan wiki’s, je bijdragen aan discussies en het netwerk van collega’s die je gebouwd hebt in de loop der tijd. Stuk voor stuk dynamische verslaglegging van jouw werk. En het mooiste is: hiervoor hoef je geen moeite te doen, het bouwt vanzelf op!


hoe nu verder?
Noodzakelijke voorwaarde hiervoor is een oprechte houding gericht op DELEN en op INTERACTIE met je collega’s. Traditionele managers zouden moeten sturen op delen en niet op behouden. En hierop zouden alle initiatieven voor kennis op gericht moeten zijn. De tools helpen, maar zonder deze noodzakelijke grondhouding blijven het passieve middelen. De praktijk leert dat al deze technische projecten gewoon mislukken. Jammer, want veel medewerkers gebruiken deze middelen in hun privĂ© situatie al zeer vaak. Zou het dan toch komen door de stelling “je gedraagt je zoals je gestuurd wordt”? Werk aan de winkel voor Het Nieuwe Werken professionals!

Monday, December 21, 2009

new PIC domains

MSN has temporarily suspended provisioning new PIC domains until January 5, 2010 due to the Holiday break (currently-provisioned domains will not be affected)

Thanks to the Microsoft Enterprise Communications Support Team!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation updated to version 1.4


Date Published:


Download Size:
16 KB - 173.1 MB*

The full set of Office Communications Server 2007 R2 documentation is contained in the download file named Communications_Server_2007_R2_Documentation.chm.
IMPORTANT  See Additional Information for important information about circumstances under which a CHM file will not display correctly, and how to resolve the issue.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist – mission accomplished!

Today was the day! On today’s program exam 70-557 Microsoft Forefront Client and Server!

About this Exam

This exam is for IT professionals who work in mid-sized to large computing environments and who are deploying and using Microsoft Forefront technologies. This exam focuses on Forefront Client Security, Forefront Server Security, and Forefront Edge Security.

More information can be found here. The exam I took this morning consist of 47 questions and the minimal score to pass is 700/1000. My score: 978 points ;-). Enjoy doing this exam.

Source: Microsoft Learning

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 now also on Microsoft Event Calendar (NLD)


Check it out yourself on link.

Check out my new LinkedIn event for next session

More information on: and spread the world. We have some exciting stuff on Wave 14 and the next version of OCS! Some exciting demo’s are showing up. And check out our prizes!

Joachim Farla – Owner and Founder

Monday, December 7, 2009 (Q1 meeting – Netherlands)



Tijdens deze sessie staat alles in het teken van Unified Communications!

Deel 1: (Spreker: Matthijs Hoekstra - Microsoft Nederland)

In deze eerste sessie van 2010 brengen we je op de hoogte van de nieuwe ontwikkelmogelijkheden van de nieuwe Wave 14 versie van OCS en Office Communicator. Aan de hand van een paar praktische voorbeelden laten we je de applicatie integratie mogelijkheden zien. Ben je geen developer dan is het nog steeds interessant om te weten te komen hoe de verschillende integratie mogelijkheden werken.

Dus volop informatie over de nieuwe versie van OCS!

Deel 2: (Spreker: John de Breij - Mitel Nederland)

Na de nieuwe versie van OCS gepresenteerd door Matthijs Hoekstra gaan we doorpakken met Mitel die zijn Unified Communications propositie gaat laten zien aan de hand van een aantal praktijk voorbeelden.

Het event om bij aanwezig te zijn!

Schrijf je nu in:

Zie ook: en win een prachtige headset van Plantronics!

Friday, December 4, 2009

e-office op BNR over Het nieuwe werken!


Samen met Ben Kuiken had Gonny Vink afgelopen week een interview op BNR over het boek. Link

RT Bas Krikke / e-office goes SharePoint 2010


In januari, februari en maart presenteer ik samen met Renee Hulsman van e-office op een ontbijtsessie over SharePoint 2010. Deze keer geen show met features (daar zijn er al heel erg veel van), maar een verhaal vol met context.

Mijn foto

Op basis van een of twee gebruikers-scenario's gaan we door SharePoint 2010 heen en laten we zien op welke manier we de vraagstukken binnen een organisatie kunnen realiseren door inzet van ondersteunende technologie. Natuurlijk grijp ik ook weer terug naar de gedragskant en de organisatorische impact van deze technologie.

Twee scenario's staan op de rol: "verbinden van kennis en mensen" (als 2.0 variant op kennismanagement en profielen) en "slim communiceren". Ik ga me er sterk voor maken om de sessie zo praktisch mogelijk te maken, niet alleen het waarom maar ook het HOE.
Het zijn kleine sessies (rond de 8 bezoekers) met een zeer hoog interactie gehalte. Alleen dan kom je tot de kern van de vernieuwingen ten opzichte van SharePoint Server 2007 of Portal Server 2003.

Schrijf je in via de LinkedIn events voor januari, februari en maart 2010.

Vind je deze vorm van introductie in SharePoint (en in het bijzonder de 2010 versie) interessant voor je eigen organisatie en kun je er niet bij zijn? Neem dan contact met me op, we kijken dan samen naar mogelijkheden voor een alternatieve sessie.
Ik heb er veel zin in en hoop dat onze klanten het verschil zien tussen features en oplossingen...

Check out Bas Krikke his weblog!

Getting Started with the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Client for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2

File Name:


Date Published:


Download Size:
754 KB

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation version 1.2 (updated)


Date Published:


Download Size:
16 KB - 118.3 MB*


Saturday, November 28, 2009

RIM onderscheidt e-office met de EMEA Innovation Award 2009


e-office wint in de categorie Delivery Service Excellence


Houten, 27 november 2009 - e-office heeft uit handen van Research In Motion (RIM) de Blackberry Innovation Award 2009, in de categorie Delivery Service Excellence, ontvangen. Daarmee spreekt RIM zijn waardering uit voor e-office in het ontwikkelen en implementeren van mobiele applicaties en services voor gebruikers van het BlackBerry-platform.

In het juryrapport spreekt RIM over de wijze waarop e-office zichtbaar een positieve bijdrage heeft geleverd aan het efficiënter maken van bedrijfsprocessen en het verhogen van de beschikbaarheid van mobiele diensten bij zijn klanten. e-office heeft bij een groot aantal klanten een effectieve aanpak gekozen van uitrol, integratie, ingebruikname en ondersteuning van het BlackBerry product. Daarnaast heeft e-office zich bewezen als specialist in het ontsluiten van een diversiteit aan informatiesystemen naar de BlackBerry smartphone. Ook noemde de jury de grote populariteit van e-office's IT helpdeskoplossing.


Thierry Lammers, directeur e-office mobile: "De belangrijkste criteria om deze award te kunnen winnen waren creativiteit, een snelle terugverdientijd en populariteit onder gebruikers. Aan alle criteria konden we voldoen, ook mede door ons jarenlange partnerschap met RIM. We zijn dan ook erg blij en verheugd dat dit via deze award openlijk kenbaar wordt gemaakt."
De award is uitgereikt tijdens de jaarlijkse BlackBerry EMEA Alliance Summit 2009, dat dit jaar werd georganiseerd in Rome.

Voor meer informatie:
Pauline Huijzer / Eline Roelfsema
Tel.: 088 001 83 00
e-mail: pauline.huijzer(at) /


Maartje Dekens / Willemijn Vader
Tel.: 0317 410 483
e-mail: e-office(at)

Friday, November 27, 2009

award voor e-office!!!!!!


Delivering Service Excellence

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Het Nieuwe Werken Interview: Roland Hameeteman van e-office (Video)


In dit video-interview (5:56) spreekt Het Nieuwe Werken Blog met Roland Hameeteman, mede-oprichter en directeur van e-office. Hameeteman gaat in op de vraag wat Het Nieuwe Werken voor hem betekent en wat hij in de loop van de jaren heeft geleerd over leidinggeven en sturing.

Check it out!:

OCS Webchat updated to version 1.2!

image And will now support javascript! So, no additional software is required to run the OCS Webchat on your site (public or private). The solution is build on our existing SaaS infrastructure provided by e-office Datacenter Services.

Sign up now for a free OCS Webchat trial:

OCS Webchat Development Team

Microsoft UC Community Day (session 1)

image Today we got invited by Charles Whitton (PAM Unified Communications – Voice) from Microsoft Netherlands to join the first UC Community Day @ Schiphol Rijk.

Today’s agenda:

  • 10.00 – 10.30 Entrance
  • 10.30 – 11.30 Microsoft OCS update
  • 11:30 - 12:15 Pres. Plantronics (1) - Organisation and channel
  • 12.30 – 13.00 Lunch
  • 13.00 - 14.00 Pres. Plantronics (2) - Products and promotions
  • 14.00 – 15.00 Exchange Server 2010
  • 15.00 – 16.00 End

First, I would like to thank Microsoft Nerherlands and Plantronics for this wonderful day. As partners we get a good experience about Plantronics products and the proposition Microsoft is having in the “new way of work”. We called that last one “work21”. Especially the key insights of Wave14 are very cool. Thanks to Thijs Janssen. Respect to the NDA! Also lots of respect to the presentation of Steven van Houttum about Microsoft Exchange 2010. Good networking day and lots of inspiration. Keep up the good work!

Maybe next time (session 2) I will show you guys something about Wave 14 (if you let me ;-). Great partner present by the way by Plantronics (Altec MR402):image

moondance GLOW 

Check out the Voyager PRO today: or contact your B2B Sales Manager:


Running Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 in a Virtualized Topology version 1.2

File Name:


Date Published:


Download Size:
2.9 MB


This whitepaper:

  • Identifies which server roles are supported in a virtualized environment
  • Provides guidance for scaling users and workloads in a virtualized environment

This document describes the results of a series of configurations that were run in a Hyper-V environment to validate that Office Communications Server on Hyper-V provides stable performance and scalability for production use.

Source: Microsoft Download

Check Out New Qualified UC Hardware Partner Products

image New products from Microsoft UC partners, Polycom, Microsoft Hardware, GN and Plantronics, recently passed the UC hardware qualification and may use the Optimized for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 wordmark.

Check out this table:


Source: Voice Specialized Partner Sales and Technical Resources: November 2009

Announcing NEW Qualified SIP Trunking Partners for November


Current Promotional Offers




SIP Trunking Services for Office Communications Server R2.  Includes services for local phone numbers (Direct Inward Dial), toll free numbers, local calling, U.S. long distance, and international long distance.


Sprint is offering its award winning MPLS network with SIP Trunking that has been certified for interoperability on the OCS R2 platform.  Trials and special promotional offers are available.  Coupled with Sprint’s unmatched 3G and 4G wireless networks, Sprint brings UC with OCS to a new level.

Interoute One

Free trial offer


Free month-long trial for mobile phone solution

Global Crossing

Waive the Concurrent Call MRC and the MPLS port fee for the first two months. Flexible VoIP rate plan and competitive interstate and intrastate rates apply.


First month of SIP channels monthly charges and setup fee half price. Offer valid until December 31, 2009.

Source: Voice Specialized Partner Sales and Technical Resources: November 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Microsoft Unified Communications: Developer Platform Futures

Tenx to Matthijs Hoekstra for pointing me out. See the nice PDC stuff on Unified Communications! Some nice views on Wave 14 and the new Communicator interface.

Microsoft Unified Communications: Developer Platform Futures

Session 1: (Chris Mayo) 

Learn how Microsoft Communications Server and Microsoft Exchange provide a comprehensive and flexible communications platform for developers. Get a first look at the next generation of this platform through a series of demos and code examples. See how to embed Communicator features in your application using new Microsoft Silverlight and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls, and learn about the new API to develop full custom clients for Communications Server. Also see how the UC Managed API 3.0 provides access to the new Voice-over-IP features of Communication Server.

Session 2: (David Ollason)

Integrating and Extending the Microsoft Office Communicator Experience with Windows Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Silverlight

Come take an in-depth look at how to integrate and extend the Office Communicator experience into your Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight applications. See how to provide the same integration experience as Office and Outlook including contact search, contact lists, presence, contact details and more. Learn how to pass contextual data from your application using the new contextual conversation API.

Source: (Check it out!)

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 XMPP Gateway Hotfix KB 977187

File Name:


Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

Date Published:


Download Size:
190 KB

This hotfix download for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 XMPP Gateway is described in the Knowledge Base article 977187.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

uitnodiging: ontwaak met e-office en SharePoint 2010




Het einde van het jaar staat vaak in het teken van goede voornemens voor het nieuwe jaar. Wat zijn uw goede voornemens op zakelijk gebied?

Wilt u uw mensen en hun kennis nu echt gaan verbinden? Bent u op zoek naar manieren om effectief klantcontact te bereiken? Of wilt u de communicatie en bereikbaarheid van uw professionals optimaliseren?

e-office neemt u graag mee op weg naar 2010. In een aantal interactieve sessies ontwaakt u in 2010 samen met e-office en zullen wij u inspireren hoe u uw voornemens waar kunt maken met de inzet van Microsoft SharePoint 2010.

In 2010 organiseert e-office de volgende ontbijtsessies:

  • 12 januari          SharePoint 2010: verbinden van mensen en kennis
  • 2 februari          SharePoint 2010: effectief klantcontact
  • 2 maart             SharePoint 2010: optimale communicatie en bereikbaarheid

Voor meer informatie, het programma of deelname aan de klantsessies neemt u contact op met uw accountmanager of bezoekt u onze website.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Support for OCS 2007 R2 on Windows Server 2008 R2

We get lots of questions if OCS 2007 R2 is supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 / domains. The current statement is very clear:

  • All domain controllers in the forest where you deploy Office Communications Server run Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 R2, or Windows Server 2008.
  • All global catalog servers in the forest where you deploy Office Communications Server run Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 R2, or Windows Server 2008.
  • All domains in which you deploy Office Communications Server are raised to a domain functional level of Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008.
  • The forest in which you deploy Office Communications Server is raised to a forest functional level of Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008.
  • Source: Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation (CHM).

    So, Windows Server 2008 R2 is still not supported. Testing OCS 2007 R2 on Windows Server 2008 R2 requires also testing different domain/forest structures. Stay tuned.

    Voyager PRO UC WG200/B present during next session of in Jan 2010!

    imageSpecial thanks to Xander Kupers of Plantronics. Xander is a B2B Sales Manager @ Plantronics and he is offering two WG400/B devices as present for members who join next session in January 2010. So join us on the next session and win this wonderful product.

    More information on plantronics products please feel free to contact Xander. E-mail:

    Or see him at LinkedIn:

    Technical Information on the WG200/B: (Source: Plantronics Official Site)

    • Unified Communications
    • Take calls from both your PC or mobile device
    • Class 2 Bluetooth® range with up to 33 feet of range
    • Simple, one-touch call control
    • Wideband technology for crisp PC audio
    • PerSono Suite software included for feature setting capabilities and selected softphone call control
    • UC standard version supporting one-touch call control with softphones and UC applications from Cisco, Avaya, Microsoft, IBM and more.

    <<JOIN US ON:>>

    Sunday, November 15, 2009

    Running Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 in a Virtualized Topology

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    2.9 MB - 2.9 MB*


    Office Communications Server 2007 R2 can be deployed onto Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, or onto any virtualization solution that is a certified partner through the Server Virtualization Validation Program (SVVP) certified partners for the following workloads:

    • Presence
    • IM (including conferencing, remote access, federation, and Public IM Connectivity)
    • Group Chat

    This whitepaper:
    • Identifies which server roles are supported in a virtualized environment
    • Provides guidance for scaling users and workloads in a virtualized environment

    This document describes the results of a series of configurations that were run in a Hyper-V environment to validate that Office Communications Server on Hyper-V provides stable performance and scalability for production use.

    Source: Microsoft Download

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Upcoming scheduled Yahoo / PIC maintenance window - November 17, 2009


    Yahoo will be performing scheduled maintenance on their OCS Gateway Servers during the following maintenance window:

    Confirmed Maintenance Start Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 5:00pm Pacific Time

    Projected Maintenance End Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 5:30pm Pacific Time

    Users may encounter sporadic access service availability, service disruption, and incorrect presence during this maintenance window.

    User Action:

    No action needs to be taken by your Office Communications Server administrator(s). Additionally, there will not be any further notification regarding this maintenance activity unless there is a broad disruption of service. In such cases, we will relay outage communication accordingly.

    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Service Provider

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    10.4 MB


    With Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Service Provider, administrators can implement basic instant messaging and presence functionality for Microsoft Office Outlook®-Live users. Prior to the Web Service Provider release, Outlook-Live users accessed this functionality through client applications such as Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 or Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access (2007 release).
    Web Service Provider does not introduce features excluded from Communicator Web Access (2007 R2 release). It simply gives Outlook-Live users an alternative method for accessing basic instant messaging and presence information. For example, senders of an e-mail will now be able to view presence information from within the Outlook-Live application.

    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Trust Tool

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    18 KB

    Monday, November 9, 2009

    OCS 2007 R2 support on Windows Server 2008 R2

    Lots of questions we get from you guys about the way Microsoft support Windows Server 2008 R2 together with OCS 2007 R2. Well there is a clear quote on this.

    TIP: please review and stay tuned on the following Microsoft Page:

    Quote for OCS 2007 R2:

    “Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and later versions will be supported beginning Q1 2010

    Applies To
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation

    Wednesday, November 4, 2009

    Making plans for 2010…


    Dear blog readers! The central topic of this week is: What are you going to do in 2010! Well we will not stuck in the old days and we make some serious progress on what is (?) What will be on the cover @ sessions in 2010.

    Attention: is something different comparing to the sessions and community effort on Dustin Hannifin his Community Site (which is brand new btw!! > take a look at . Check out their agenda of the December meeting. Dustin (.org) is covering the USA (International – English) part and our is focused on the Benelux (Belgium/Netherlands).

    We both share the same ideas like doing these meetings. As Dustin said before “A virtual user group is a user group that hosts all meetings online. Presenters and attendees participate virtually via online tools such as Microsoft Live Meeting.”

    Next year we will:

    • organize each quarter a session (4 x times in total).
    • make sure that content is available for offline viewing
    • start off the first session on Jan ‘10 (planned) – register today at (Dutch Only)
    • continue twittering about these activities ( ) FOLLOW!
    • involve SharePoint 2010 (all kind of topics, integration, possibilities)
    • present about he new version of OCS (no release date available)
    • start Social Networking in SharePoint 2010 (how does it reflect on other Microsoft Products)
    • continue the possibility for third parties to show their products which will integrate with Microsoft Products.
    • make the much better!
    • have the same online chats and discussions!

    Stay tuned on! You can follow me personally on:


    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 968802



    Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    378 KB - 106.9 MB*

    This hotfix download for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 is described in the Knowledge Base article 968802.

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Office Communicator Phone Edition (2007 R2) updated to version: 6907.55

    Now on Microsoft Download.

    File Name:


    Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    12.9 MB

    This download was originally released on February 1, 2009. For a complete list of fixes and changes in this latest version, please see KB article 977065

    • When you connect your IP phone through the Internet, the telephone call logs are not populated with received or dialed calls.
    • When you block a contact, you cannot call that contact from the Contact List.
    • After you apply the update package in KB 972398 to your IP phone, the telephone performance becomes slow. The response time of the dial pad also becomes slow.

    Friday, October 30, 2009

    MVP Battle of the Month - October 2009 Winner..

    Today we won the MVP battle of the Month with our free NFR license to the OCS/Exchange Community! Congrats to all the guys who make this happen.

    Special thanks to Menno Windsma, Michiel van Oudheusden and Robbert Seidemann!

    Thursday, October 29, 2009

    iDialog update release (1.1)

    Special thanks to the iDialog Development Team and Congrats to my MVP buddy John Lamb. Nice work.

    See all information on:

    This free update (v1.1.1) was released today:

    • Support for OCS CWA 2007 and 2007 R2 servers that are published behind an ISA Server using Single-Sign On (SSO) authentication. If you have deployed CWA using ISA SSO, the connection will now be seamless.
    • Support for Enterprise certificates. If your OCS CWA is configured with an internal certificate, the user is warned about the untrusted certificate and can choose to “accept” the certificate in order to proceed. This is the same behavior that is available in all major web browsers today. This will greatly improve the out of box experience for users at companies that have used an internal CA to issue their CWA certificate (or certain Public CA’s that have proved to be problematic for the iPhone platform).
    • Support for Distribution Groups (This feature is available only if your company has deployed OCS 2007 R2).
    • Robust connection status information and error messages


    • Improved speed and responsiveness.
    • Support for passwords with certain special characters.
    • Fix for intermittent app crashes when signed in to multiple OCS endpoints.

    Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 972884

    File Name:


    Knowledge Base (KB) Articles:

    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    9.9 MB

    October 2009 Updates for OC 2007 R2 and OCS 2007 R2

    Update for Communicator 2007 R2: Oct 2009

    Article ID: 972884 - Last Review: October 28, 2009 - Revision: 1.0


    Cumulative Update for Office Communications Server 2007 R2: October 2009

    Article ID: 975611 - Last Review: October 28, 2009 - Revision: 1.0


    I didn’t test these updates already but they are supported and published on Support Microsoft. Enjoy!

    Monday, October 26, 2009

    New Unified Communications ISV Customer Evidence Available

    • Click on the Open Text Corporation case study to learn how they enhanced their fax-processing software to work with Microsoft® Exchange Server 2010.
    • Click on the NetApp case study to learn how they help their customers reduce storage costs, streamline data management, and provide high availability for their messaging system.
    • Click on the HP case study to learn how they provide organizations with new efficiency in planning, deployment, and management tools for Exchange Server 2010 environments.
    • Click on the EMC case study to learn how they helped their customers by enhancing storage, backup and archiving, and security options for Exchange Server 2010 environments.
    • Click on the Symantec case study to learn how they help customers migrate and manage their updated messaging platforms.
    • Click on the Dell case study to learn how they help customers take advantage of new solutions and features that can deliver greater cost efficiencies, increase productivity, and improve communications.

    Source: Voice Specialized Partner Sales and Technical Resources: October 2009

    Registration Now Open for Microsoft Certified Masters Training Programs!!!

    The Office Communications Server 2007 Microsoft Certified Masters Program offers three weeks of intensive technical training to enable your consultants and engineers to deliver the highest quality solutions for your end customers. Many partners are making strategic investments in the Microsoft Certified Masters training programs to enable them to differentiate their services and build credibility in a competitive market. The program offers a unique mix of in class instruction and a substantial hands on labs infrastructure where candidates can perfect their product knowledge to ‘level 400 and beyond’ – see the Master team blog for more details.  Sessions are delivered by recognized experts in their field including members of the Product Team, MSIT, and Microsoft Consulting. All supported by over 70 hours of lab exercises and hands on activities. 

    Curriculum areas include:

    • Core Protocols – discover how OCS leverages wide range protocols and how to interpret/troubleshoot them
    • OCS Server and Client internals – detailed analysis of all server and client components and services
    • Edge – understand the details of Edge services and how to deploy/troubleshoot
    • Voice – dive into the OCS media stack, codecs, voice design, and integration
    • Video and Video Conferencing – the internals of native OCS video and how to integrate with third party solutions
    • Application Integration – how to drive value for customers and expand consulting opportunities with the UC stack and line of business application integration

    Source: Voice Specialized Partner Sales and Technical Resources: October 2009.

    Don’t miss out - the next delivery is now open for registration.  For more information, please contact Adrian Maclean.

    New OCS R2 visio stencils and OCS R2 documentation published on 23/10

    OCS 2007 R2 Documentation

    Use this page to find technical documentation to help you understand, plan, deploy, and operate Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 servers.


    Office Communications Server 2007 Visio stencil

    The Office Communications Server 2007 Visio stencil contains icons for Office Communications Server 2007 server roles and components.


    Wednesday, October 21, 2009

    Office Communications Server Public IM Connectivity Provisioning Guide 2.0 available

    File Name:
    OCS PIC Provisioning Guide.doc


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    43 KB – 128


    This document describes the requirements and processes for activating and provisioning public instant messaging (IM) connectivity for Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Office Communications Server 2007, and Live Communications Server 2005.

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    Telenor Launches Unified Communications (UC)

    Cool I missed this one. Congrats guys!

    Telenor is the first telecoms operator to launch a Unified Communications (UC) solution on the Norwegian market. A total of 30,000 Telenor employees currently use Unified Communications services. This important internal experience forms the basis for the product being launched commercially today.


    “with Unified Mobile Status, staff members can see from their own PC client whether colleagues are free or busy on their mobiles. This service obtains information from the Telenor mobile network about whether the colleague in question is busy or free, and this status information is then sent to the employee's PC (Unified Communications client). Mobile Status is delivered together with Blueposition.”

    Saturday, October 17, 2009

    New Downloads

    Forefront Security for OCS MP for Ops Mgr 2007

    Forefront Security for Office Communications Server Management Pack provides real-time insight into the health and performance of key Forefront Security for Office Communications Server (Version 10) components and services.


    Communications Server 2007 R2 Site Resiliency White Paper

    This white paper provides guidelines and best practices for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 site resiliency.


    Friday, October 9, 2009

    The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Unified Communications Products and Services

    Quick Details

    File Name:
    TEI of Microsoft UC - English.pdf

    October 2007

    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    281 KB


    This is an analysis of the total economic impact of implementing Microsoft Unified Communications products and services.

    Office Communicator Mobile 2007 R2 for Java (Nokia S60 320X240 resolution - U.S.)

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    466 KB

    Wednesday, October 7, 2009

    OCS WebChat NFR license for your blog/Community Server or public SharePoint website!

    <<Special offer ONLY for UC/Exchange experts /[MVP’s]>>

    As Unified Communications expert or Exchange Server expert within the UC community e-office would like to offer a free single user, OCS WebChat NFR license for your blog/Community Server or public SharePoint website!

    See also our story on Microsoft Case Studies.


    See the live version of OCS WebChat on this weblog Unified Communications Netherlands and lets have a chat. Support the community members now with OCS WebChat! Let’s interact and Unified Now.

    Goal: Our Chat Solution Extends Benefits of Unified Communications to Web Site Visitors on your personal blog! Our main goal is to support you guys with all your activities right within the (OCS or Exchange) community.



    **and sent it back to joachim.farla (at)**

    QueryServiceForStatus (DWORD) for Office Communicator 2007 R2

    TIP: As you probably know the DWORD value QueryServiceForStatus is a very special DWORD value in your registry. Sometimes it makes customers happy! By default when setting up a MOSS 2007 (SharePoint) intranet or other topology (extranet, internet) a nice integration feature is showing up. The item where I would like to focus on is the OC imageActiveX   control who controls the presence icon in your IE session. When having Microsoft Office 2003 and Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 installed on your local computer presence is shown in SharePoint. image

    By default SharePoint calls name.dll, which calls MSO.DLL, which in turn calls Communicator or Windows Messenger. For Office 2003 it was always Windows Messenger, which would call Communicator, until SP2 when MSO.DLL started calling Communicator directly. The reg key effects the behavior of MSO.DLL

    A registry value is available to configure how Outlook queries for a contact's presence information. You can configure this registry value to determine how Outlook retrieves the online status for contacts who are not on your Windows Messenger contact list.

    The issue was showing up last week while doing a large OCS R2 implementation (2k seats).

    Case: Customer is using MOSS 2007 as there intranet platform and PowerFuse from Citrix to connect to that.


    • All users connect via PowerFuse (Citrix) to MOSS
    • When users open the MOSS intranet they see presence from content managers
    • The users are using Office 2003.

    Problem: the users see only presence from content managers who are added to the personal contact list of the user.

    Question: Is there any way to set this by default:

    • where each user who is connecting to the MOSS intranet page is seeing all the presence of the content managers (even when they are not "connected" through mutual acceptance)

    Answer: YES! You can control the behavior on how presence is shown in MOSS. Like the same we had with LCS 2003 Microsoft published a article how to change your registry. For more information feel free to read the entire article (recommendation). Here the short to do list:

    To modify this behavior, change the QueryServiceForStatus value in the following registry subkey:

    1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

    2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\PersonaMenu
    • If this registry subkey does not exist, create it. To do this, follow these steps:
    • a. Right-click Common, point to New, and then click Key.
    • b. In the New Key # 1 box, type PersonaMenu, and then press ENTER.

    3. Right-click PersonaMenu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

    4. In the New Value # 1 box, type QueryServiceForStatus, and then press ENTER.

    5. Right-click QueryServiceForStatus, and then click Modify.

    6. In the Value data box, type one of the following values:

    • If you type a value of two (2), Outlook requests status information from the Real-Time Communications (RTC) service about people who may or may not be on your contact list.


    7. Click OK, and then quit Registry Editor.


    • There are still ways to control how presence is shown in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.
    • This investigation is a nice add-on on my former investigation on Mutual Acceptance in OCS R2 and how to control that. Read my earlier blogpost.
    • The article KB889938 is also effective on Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2.
    • This setting is also tested on Citrix with PowerFuse.
    • Special thanks to Kyle Marsh (Microsoft) for giving us some insides.

    Friday, October 2, 2009

    New PIC Licensing and released XMPP Gateway

    Source: OCS Team Blog!
    We are excited to announce changes to the Office Communications Server Public IM Connectivity (PIC) license that provides instant messaging and presence federation to the Windows Live, AOL and Yahoo! public IM networks. Starting October 1, 2009, the following licensing changes will be made:

    A PIC License will no longer be required for federation with American Online (AOL). Customers qualify for federation with AOL if they have Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Standard CAL or active Software Assurance on their current LCS/OCS license.
    Customers who want Yahoo! federation will continue to purchase PIC licenses. The price of PIC will be reduced by 50%, effective October 1, 2009, to reflect this change.

    We are also excited to announce the release of the OCS 2007 R2 XMPP Gateway ( The Gateway provides Presence and two-party IM interoperability with the XMPP based systems of Jabber and Google Talk.
    The Gateway interoperability has been tested against Jabber CXP Server version 5.4 and the current version of Google Talk. The OCS 2007 R2 XMPP Gateway is supported by Microsoft Support

    This Gateway is licensed as Additional Software to OCS 2007 R2, meaning that there is no additional license cost associated with deploying the Gateway for OCS 2007 R2 licenses.
    For more details about these two great announcements you can read the Microsoft Press Pass article with Eric Swift, General Manager of the Unified Communications Group at or in this Channel9 interview with the responsible Product Managers Ashima Singhal and Albert Kooiman

    Recap of June Announcement: In June 2009, we announced a similar change for Windows Live and renamed the OCS PIC license.

    The LCS PIC license was renamed to Office Communications Server Public IM Connectivity.
    A PIC License is no longer required for federation with Windows Live. Customers qualify for federation with Windows Live if they have Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Standard CAL or active SA on their current LCS/OCS license.

    With these changes, customers qualify for IM/P federation with Windows Live and AOL with the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Standard CAL or OCS 2007/LCS 2005 SP1 Standard CAL with Software Assurance.

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation updated

    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation updated on 30/09 (Microsoft Download). Check it out.

    Quick Details


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    114 KB - 90.9 MB*

    DOWNLOAD IT HERE! The download also contains a link to the new OCS 2007 R2 Deploying Certificates.doc!

    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Nokia S60 CoMo update 1.0.6875.0 released.

    Office Communicator Mobile 2007 R2 for Java (Nokia S60 320X240 resolution)

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    461 KB

    Friday, September 25, 2009

    What’s in my mind?

    Hi! Long time no see. It has been quiet over here the last few weeks. After 3 weeks of holiday in France and a 3000 km trip afterwards I was completely “DOWN” when I was back home. This “DOWN” moment had it’s reflection right one week after my holiday. Sick for almost 5 days and now completely back in business. Pfff the world of a MVP/Father is not easy ;-( Especially not when you also have almost 800 email messages from outside the Microsoft Community. It really gives extra “drive” to evangelize more on Unified Communications and presence. 800 email messages……!

    So included in this post just a wrap up what’s in my mind.

    • Working on my next MCP exam focusing on 70-557 Forefront.
    • Planning my new session of the delayed Summerschool on the 13th of October. There are still four seats open (FREE). Join us now.
    • Scale out in Enterprise Voice for e-office (Interoute).
    • Working on a new Microsoft Download – Whitepaper on how to deploy certificates in Office Communications Server 2007 R2 (check it out on Microsoft Download) Released on: 8/28/2009
    • Rescheduling the second session (UC Development and Mitel in UC). Stay tuned on for upcoming event information.
    • Working on the solution to bring Research in Motion (RIM) and Microsoft (OCS R2) together.
    • Working on our new OCS WebChat version 1.1! Stay tuned on this weblog to get more in-depth info on WebChat (Silverlight 3.0 compatibility etc ;-)
    • Presenting on the KPN event on 8th of October about UC and the new way of work.

    imageATTENTION: New technical fellow on the stage right within the UC Weblog Team! The next months Michiel van Oudheusden will join the group to write technical UC stuff also. For people who don’t know Michiel: he is the lead developer on the OCS WebChat solution. See his linkedin profile also (here

    Upcoming blogposts:

    • UCMA 2.0 and Technical Updates on the OCS WebChat version 1.1!
    • Blogpost on BluePosition and their solutions in Unified Communications.
    • NEW NEW !

    /Joachim Farla

    Temporary Yahoo! PIC Maintenance: September 24, 2009 - September 25, 2009


    Yahoo! will be performing maintenance that will affect their OCS gateways.  The outage is schedule to be brief, but as a precautionary measure, the following maintenance window has been declared:

    Maintenance Start Date/Time:  9/24/2009, 10:00pm Pacific Time

    Maintenance End Date/Time:  9/25/2009, 1:00am Pacific Time


    Office Communicator users may notice incorrect presence of their Yahoo! Contacts, or may not be able to communicate via PIC with their their Yahoo! contacts.

    User Action:

    No action needs to be taken by your Office Communications Server administrator(s).  Additionally, there will not be any further notification regarding this maintenance activity unless there is a broad disruption of service.  In such cases, we will relay additional outage communication accordingly.


    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    Office Communications Server 2007 R2, PreCallDiagnostic Resource Kit Tool

    Quick Details

    File Name:


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    12.6 MB


    The PreCallDiagTool is an application that reports expected audio quality as it relates to the network effect. The tool should be installed on any desktop or laptop PC that suffers from inconsistent network connection quality. The PreCallDiagTool can provide a quick check of the current network conditions and also preserve a history of quality data to let users profile their network performance over time or other conditions. The tool is particularly useful for home/mobile users and users using WIFI access points.
    Note: This is the 32 bit version of the PreCallDiagTool. The 64 bit version can be found in the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Resource Kit.

    Saturday, August 29, 2009

    Roland 50 jaar

    (in dutch) Roland Hameeteman, een van de oprichters van e-office, is vandaag 50 geworden. Daar moet voor gezongen worden! Roland, van harte.

    Friday, August 28, 2009

    Planning Tool for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 upgraded to version 6907.45


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    55 KB - 1.4 MB*


    The Planning Tool for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 is a Windows Presentation Foundation standalone client application. The Planning Tool Wizard asks interview questions about features that the system administrator is interested in enabling in the Enterprise, as well as information about the Enterprise.
    The Planning Tool uses the information gathered from the administrator to dynamically draw a recommended topology for every site that the administrator identifies. Additionally, the Planning Tool calculates the types and amounts of hardware needed across the entire Enterprise, as well as for each site. The Planning Tool also provides links to documentation of the specific planning and deployment tasks that the administrator will need in order to deploy the topology.

    Source: Microsoft Download. Download it here!

    Saturday, August 22, 2009

    UC Weblog is upgraded with OCS Webchat..

    The old LCS AJAX is removed! As you can see the UC Weblog is upgraded to the latest version of OCS WebChat. The OCS Webchat is running within Silverlight 2.0/3.0 and connects to our S+S platform. More information about the product or strategies please contact Robbert Seidemann or our Technical Fellow Michiel van Oudheusden. I'll like it!

    e-office summer school gaat in september door...!


    Gebruikt u de vakantietijd ook graag om eens rustig bij te lezen over alle ontwikkelingen binnen uw vakgebied? Wilt u daarnaast ook nog wat tijd overhouden voor ontspanning? Tijdens de e-office summer school sessies spijkert u in korte tijd uw kennis bij op het gebied van Unified Communications, BlackBerry, Social Software, Collaboration, Email Management en SaaS. voor wieWilt u kosten besparen door de inzet van de nieuwste technologieën? Wilt u eenvoudig tijdwinst boeken door effectiever om te gaan met e-mail en vergaderen? Ziet u mogelijkheden om met 'Het Nieuwe Werken' uw onderscheidend vermogen te vergroten? En bent u benieuwd hoe social software u hierbij kan helpen? Dan is e-office summer school echt iets voor u.korte & krachtige sessies.

    De sessies van e-office summer school variëren van conceptuele sessies over nieuwe manieren van werken tot 'deep dives' op het gebied van de nieuwste technologieën en producten. Tijdens elke sessie maakt u in korte tijd kennis met ideeën, concepten en technologie zonder de opsmuk van commerciële presentaties. De meeste sessies duren maximaal 3 uur en variëren van klassieke kennisoverdracht tot workshops en chalk & talk sessions (interactieve sessies waar u als deelnemer 'in control' bent en onze gastspreker zijn of haar expertise met u deelt rondom uw vragen). nieuwe manier van werken en de nieuwste technologieën & productenIn de conceptuele sessies delen experts hun visie op thema's als het werken in de 21e eeuw, slim vergaderen en de effectieve inzet van email.

    Hierbij komen de nieuwste technologieën en producten van Google, IBM, Microsoft en RIM aan bod. Denk hierbij aan Google Apps, IBM Lotus Connections, Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server en BlackBerry Enterprise server. sprekersZowel experts van e-office, waaronder de Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP's), als externe experts verzorgen de sessies.Schrijf u nu in voor de e-office summer school 2009!

    Op de e-office summer school site site ziet u onder 'agenda' een compleetoverzicht van de e-office summer school sessies.

    Hier kunt u zich ook inschrijven voor de sessies. e-office wenst u een leerzame en inspirerende zomer!

    Ook ikzelf organiseer een sessie over Unified Communications. Schrijf je nu in er zijn nog enkele plekken over.

    UCVUG organiseert tweede gebruikersgroepsessie op 15 september 2009


    Op 15 september 2009 organiseert de tweede Unified Communications gebruikersgroepsessie. Tijdens het goedgevulde avondprogramma voor zowel gebruikers als partners nemen twee interessante sprekers het woord. Om 19.00u trapt Matthijs Hoekstra, Developer Evangelist Microsoft Netherlands, af met een overzicht van de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Unified Communications en UC development. John de Breij, Mitel Technical Consultant, gaat vervolgens in op UC propositie, positionering en platform, en behandelt de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden op het gebied van UC. Tegen 20:30u sluit Joachim Farla, oprichter van, de UC gebruikersgroepsessie af. Gedurende het programma is er volop gelegenheid voor het stellen van vragen en discussie.

    Meld u nu aan voor de UCVUG gebruikersgroepsessie en volg de sessie live via Microsoft Office Communicator.Bekijk hier de presentatie van Jeroen Jansen tijdens de eerste UC gebruikersgroepsessie op 1 mei 2009. En bekijk hier de presentatie van Jeroen van Vliet tijdens de eerste UC gebruikersgroepsessie.

    Friday, August 21, 2009

    OOF - 14th of September back in business!

    Dear weblog reader,

    I am on annual leave and will not have access to my email. This weblog is temporarily managed by my colleague Michiel van Oudheusden. If you have any questions about current blogposts please ask him or sent a email to or add him to your contact list in Communicator/Hotmail (same as SMTP address).

    If you have questions about:

    • OCS WebChat: contact our sales representative Robbert Seidemann or check our products webpage here
    • Unified Communications Virtual User Group – planning and sessions check our event calendar here

    I will be back on Monday the 14th of September.
    Kind regards,
    Joachim Farla
    Office Communications Server - MVP
    Infrastructure Specialist

    User Group:

    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    Microsoft Office Communications on BlackBerry

    Mobile business just the way you want it...

    Smartphones are becoming more and more powerful. The handsets you can buy these days are loaded with more features than you will possibly find on a computer or laptop. Processing power, high speed connections, camera’s, large (touch) screens, GPS navigation; it’s all there and at a relatively low price. Just the way we like it.

    Since a couple of weeks we get inspired of the new Outside Voice Control functionality in Office Communications Server 2007 R2. As e-office we have deployed a full blown OCS R2 environment including Mediation Server, SIP trunking, CWA, Group Chat etc. We also deployed a OCS R2 Edge server.

    Inside story: Some departments at e-office uses BlackBerry as there primary IM/Mail/Apps device. On the other side we have lots of Windows Mobile 6.* endpoints. Uniquely we crossed our strategies to have best of both worlds. So today I would like to announce a new BlackBerry Mobile App: Integrating your Microsoft Unified Communications investment with BlackBerry technology.

    If you are interested to get more information feel free to contact me or contact my colleague Thierry Lammers – Director e-office Mobile on


    Call setup flow:

    1. the BlackBerry end user initiates a ‘call via office’ OCS call from the BlackBerry smartphone. This feature is available from the BlackBerry via an icon on the BlackBerry desktop and menu integration in the native BlackBerry Address Book application. The e-office OCS client uses a data signaling channel to inform the e-office OCS service layer of the outbound call >

    2. the e-office OCS service layer receives call details and user credentials

    3. the e-office OCS service layer instructs OCS to set the correct presence status and initiate the cellular call to the BlackBerry end user. This is called the first call leg.

    4. the BlackBerry end user answers the phone call

    5. OCS initiates the second call leg with recipients phone number

    6. the second call leg is established as soon as the endpoint answers the call

    7. OCS bridges the two call legs between the BlackBerry end user and the recipient.

    System requirements:
    image Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2
    image BES 4.1.x or newer with Mobile Data Services (MDS) activated
    image e-office OCS client runs on BlackBerry SP with OS 4.2 or newer
    image e-office OCS service layer runs as a web service on a Windows 2003 SP1 or newer machine with, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), .Net Framework 3.0 and OCS components installed.
    image for enterprise CRM integration e-office Content Mobilizer middleware is required

    Map picture

    Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat Hotfix KB 969819


    Date Published:


    Download Size:
    129 KB - 14.5 MB*


    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    FREE: OCS WebChat: 30 days trial

    image As you probably know we are currently in the progress to make our OCS WebChat better then it already is! To get your valuable feedback we can offer you the OCS WebChat client for a 30 days (trial).

    More information about the OCS WebChat solution see the Microsoft Case Studies on link

    Sign up for free and sent me an email on and check our products description, advantages and other nice info!

    Technorati Tags: ,

    Voice Partner News July and August 2009: Update

    Source: Voice Specialized Partner News

    As you probably know e-office is know as Voice Ready Partner and also Voice Certified Partner on Office Communications Server 2007 and R2. During the program we also get updated on UC news especially on Voice related resources. Let me share with you some news and insights:

    List of updates:

    • Partner Resources and Readiness for Exchange Server 2010 Website is live. See the site here. A very new website on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 demonstrations which showcase Flexible and Reliable, Anywhere Access, and the Protection and Compliance features.
    • Get Up to Speed with Exchange Server 2010 Ignite Workshops login with a Live ID and enroll your organization. Enroll here (Live ID required for Login) The Exchange Server 2010 Ignite workshops cover a wide variety of topics such as architecture, setup, deployment, tools, migration, security, transport, and more.
    • Voice Partners: Become R2-Ready Now! All Voice-Specialized partners are urged to upgrade their internal deployments to OCS 2007 R2 and complete a verification call to become R2-Ready. So stay tuned and make sure you as partner gets certified. Any questions on the certification ofcourse you can sent me and email.
    • Voice Specialization Exam Numbering Change. Unified Communications Voice Specialization Exam 088-924 has been changed to Exam 074-924. The exam itself is not being changed.
    • SIP Trunking Service Now Available for Office Communications Server R2 SIP trunking enables an enterprise to connect their on-premise voice network implemented by Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to the Public Switched Telephony Network (PSTN) directly over SIP. 
    • New UC ISV Customer Evidence

    · Click on the e-office case study to learn how they help enrich their clients’ web site communications and inexpensively extend their existing infrastructure by using e-office WebChat, a configurable and customizable chat solution that can be embedded in an organization’s web site and connects web users to people in the company using Office Communications Server 2007 R2. See our products page for more product information and see the OCS WebChat live!

    <<CHECK OUT our UC evidence on Microsoft Case studies focusing on our OCS R2 WebChat Solution based on Silverlight 2.0>>

    · Click on Quest’s case study to learn more about their new BPOS migration applications

    · Interactive Intelligence case study to learn how they expanded market reach and new business opportunities by integrating Office Communications Server 2007 R2 into their to All-in-One Communications Software Suite

    · Wonderware case study to see how they are helping manufacturers gain control over their machinery by using Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to embed new collaboration features into their industrial plant management software

    So enjoy these resources and see you soon on the UC Weblog in the Netherlands! More information on additional UC weblogs please click on the official OCS Team Blog. Stay tuned!